At the core of who we are—individually and as a congregation—is worship. Worship is the primary way we experience and respond to God’s love and Grace.
Our principal worship service is the Holy Eucharist. Eucharist is simply the Greek word for 'thanksgiving', and "thanksgiving" is what we do in worship--we give thanks for what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. We give our thanks through the singing of hymns, the reading of scripture and its interpretation (sermon), praying for one another and the world, and especially sharing in Holy Communion.
You'll be welcome
It doesn’t matter if you are a life-long Episcopalian, or are just visiting a church for the first time, we will extend to you a heart-felt greeting and welcome. Those around you will be pleased to assist you in participating in the service and answering any questions you have.
You’ll be able to follow along
The Book of Common Prayer (1979), which we use at Piedmont, contains prayers as old as the 6th century and as new as the 20th. It is our guide for worship. It gives us the order of service and much of words we say in worship. Some parts of the service—Scripture readings, hymns, sermon, prayers—change each Sunday. This provides a balance of familiarity and variety.
You’ll be invited to participate
Unlike many other Protestant churches, Episcopal churches encourage the congregation to actively participate in the worship service. Worship is not just what the priest does, but what the entire congregation does together.