“Therefore, as you are going, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you." –Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20)
At Piedmont, we take the call to be disciples and grow in our faith seriously. More than just “education,” we understand discipleship as a matter of formation, a process of being “formed,” being fashioned into Christians within the life of the community of faith.
This kind of formation cannot be an individual endeavor. Making disciples means fashioning Christ-like persons in communities, who live in fellowship with Christ and at peace with each other, enabling us to live out Jesus’ way of life in such a way that others are attracted to it.
The primary way in which we are formed is through worship, in learning the rhythm and pattern, the disciplines of prayer and praise, of confession and profession, of singing and taking part in the sacraments.
There is of course value in committing to more deliberate study of a subject matter. And we offer various Bible studies and Adult Forums throughout the week, to promote the intellectual life of our church and to help them to understand and appreciate the meaning of the Gospel for today.
Bible Studies (both weekly studies take place in the Parish House)
- Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible study – led by the Rev. Brad Jackson
- Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. Bible study – led by Norris John
Adult Forums throughout the year at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning
Forums we have held in the past:
- For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Ecological Vision
- Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity
- Anglican Identity: An Introduction to the Anglican Tradition
- Stories Jesus Still Tells (Parables)
- Virtual Tour of the Holy Land: Sights and Reflections from parishioners who traveled to Israel in October 2023
Youth Formation
Children are warmly welcomed at Piedmont. During worship, they are invited to participate with their parents.
We have used the Shepherd’s Way to invite children into a space and time where they can discover and express their own experience of Jesus Christ as a Good Shepherd who knows them by name, cares for them and guides them, and to whom they are exceedingly precious.